About Us

North Dakota’s best-known historic attractions and natively owned businesses.

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Doh Sha! (Hidatsa)

Dush Gah Sha! (Mandan)

Geed! (Sahnish)

Welcome to the MHA Nation. We invite you to explore the breathtaking beauty of our lands, experience our rich culture and enjoy traditional Native American artistry.

Our History

Each tribe in North Dakota has its own origins, histories and languages, but Plains Indians are united by core beliefs and values that emanate from respect for the earth and an understanding of humankind’s relationship with nature.

The Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Tribes (also known as the Three Affiliated Tribes) have lived along the banks of the Missouri River for thousands of years. The lake’s modern-day name honors Sakakawea (also known as Sacagawea), the Native American woman who accompanied the Lewis & Clark Expedition as an interpreter and guide.

The Mandan, Hidatsa and later Arikara Tribes prospered in earth lodges villages along the Knife and Missouri Rivers. By 1862, diseases like smallpox wiped out entire villages, forcing survivors of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Tribes to band together. The three tribes came together in Like-a-Fishhook Village but maintained their tribal identity.

Read more about the history of the MHA Nation’s Tribes

Our Lands

Today the Three Affiliated Tribes live on the Fort Berthold Reservation, which straddles the north and south shores of Lake Sakakawea. Communities on the 980,000-acre reservation include Twin Buttes, White Shield, Mandaree, New Town, Parshall and Four Bears.

Cattle ranching and farming are important to the economy, as well as tribally owned businesses, including 4 Bears Casino & Lodge.

Our Location

New Town is nearby many of North Dakota’s best-known and historic attractions.

  • 85 miles from the Theodore Roosevelt National Park North Unit
  • 100 miles from Knife River Indian Village National Historic Site
  • 100 miles from Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site
  • 128 miles from Medora, North Dakota
  • 148 miles to Bismarck, the North Dakota State Capitol